IPCC AR 7 – Call for Nomination [Deadline, 5 June 2024]

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is inviting nomination of experts to participate in the Scoping Meeting for the IPCC Seventh Assessment Report (AR7) to be held tentatively in December 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Selected nominees will be informed in September 2024.

The Scoping Meeting would result in a draft Scoping Paper describing the objectives and annotated outlines of the three Working Group Reports (including the update of the 1994 IPCC Technical Guidelines on Adaptation in conjunction with the Working Group II Report) as well as the process and timeline for their preparation, which would then be considered during the 62nd Session of the Panel in the first quarter of 2025. Participants in the Scoping Meeting should have a broad understanding of climate change and related issues, and should collectively have expertise in specific areas related to WGI, WGII, WGIII, cross-cutting areas of expertise and regions [seeĀ https://www.ipcc.ch/2024/05/03/ipcc-ar7-scoping-nominations/].

Interested experts should contact their respective IPCC National Focal Points or IPCC Observer Organisations (seeĀ https://www.ipcc.ch/apps/contact/interface/focalpoints.php) to be nominated via the online nominations tool to participate in the Scoping Meeting. The Nomination Form (Annex 1, Excel Sheet) clearly indicating field of expertise and CV (max 4-pages) should be uploaded by 5 June 2024 (with earlier deadlines expected for the respective organisations). Nominations after the deadline will not be considered.