Please use the link below to access the Annual Report 2021:
Please use the link below to access the Annual Report 2021:
The ASM Committee on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Governance Malaysia, a country chapter of the World Economic Forum’s Climate Governance Initiative, with support of partners are convening an online engagement session on Climate Change 2022: Risks,…
In conjunction with the 2022 Earth Day Celebration, ANCST STG Young Professionals in DRR and Climate Change Group, Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Initiative (SEADPRI-UKM), and U-INSPIRE Malaysia@UKM with support from UNICEF Malaysia would like to invite you to celebrate the…
The registration can be found at For further information, kindly refer to the Program Leaflet
“Youth and Young professionals (YYPs) are leading their way in DRR and climate actions. Greater efforts are required to institutionalize their engagement and appropriately draw on their capacities” – the Co-chair Summary of the 2019 GPDRR- In preparation for the…
The Mahathir Science Award recognises the people and/or organisations that have made the world’s most outstanding contribution to solving problems of the tropics through science and technology. The prize is USD 100,000, god medal and certificate. The categories for 2022…
The PDF version can be downloaded here For more information, please visit U-INSPIRE Malaysia
Entrepreneurship is crucial for disaster risk reduction and building long-term community resilience. The project on “Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship in Disaster Risk Reduction to Build Community Resilience” funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) aims to foster long-term community…
Risk Science for Resilient Cities – From Concept to Action 7 May 2021 (Friday), 1700-1900 (GMT+8) Conveners: IRDR ICoE-SEADPRI-UKM, UNDRR Asia Pacific Science Technology Academia Advisory Group (AP-STAAG) and Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology (ANCST) with support from…
April 22, 2021 marks the 51st anniversary of the Earth Day celebration around the globe. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainties that remain the issue, Earth Day 2021 has gone digital. The U-INSPIRE Malaysia@UKM and SEADPRI-UKM has convened the…