MW2C@UKM | Training Workshop on the Predictability of Extreme Weather Events


The second Malaysia Window to Cambridge at Univerisiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (MW2C@UKM) Training Workshop on the Predictability of Extreme Weather Events will be held on 14-16 November 2017 in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

  • The first day consists of regional presentations on extreme weather events, disaster risk reduction and data analytics.
  • The second day focuses on the complexity of weather forecasts in the tropics, covering extreme weather occurrences. The third day will conclude with a regional science-policy dialogue on linking disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.


The Malaysian Meteorological Department (MMD), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Initiative (SEADPRI-UKM), University of Cambridge and other partners are collaborating on a pilot project entitled Disaster Resilient Cities: Forecasting Local Level Climate Extremes and Physical Hazards for Kuala Lumpur, supported by the Newton-Ungku Omar Fund (NUOF). The main focus of this project is to improve the city’s resilience to the disasters. The Workshop involves project members and other experts.


The Workshop is designed to build the capacity of scientists from Malaysia and the region on extreme weather events. The focus is on discussing the range of approaches for developing highly relevant weather forecast products. The Workshop is also a platform for sharing knowledge and views on meteorological services, especially with respect to extreme weather events.


  • Professor Lord Julian Hunt is a Fellow of Trinity College, University of Cambridge with world-class expertise in urban air quality modeling. He is also a former Chief Executive of the UK Met Office and Co-Director of the Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology (ANCST).
  • Professor Johnny Chan is internationally renowned in the research areas of typhoons and monsoons. He has been working on the problem of global warming and its relationship with typhoon activity, as well as on tropical cyclones and monsoon climate.
  • Dr. Prince Xavier is a climate scientist working on the seamless assessment of model error growth in various configurations of the Unified Model. He also investigates the role of air-sea coupling in the development of initial model drifts.


Applications are invited on a competitive basis for full sponsorship to attend the training in Malaysia. The eligibility of applicants is as follows:-

  • Below the age of 30
  • Citizen of a Commonwealth country in Asia
  • Working with a meteorological, hydrological or geoscience-related institution
  • Able to make advance payment for air-fare and be reimbursed after the event


Submission of application form: 15th October 2017

Notification to applicant: 20th October 2017 

Congratulation to the selected applicants:

Mr Navin Chandra; Ms Tanuja Nigam; Mr Deni Okta Lestari; Mr Bernard Alan Baluyut Racoma; Mr Lea L. Dasallas; Mr Zia Ul Hassan; Mr Huyen Luong; Mr Su Ei Nandar; Mr Bui Phan Quoc Nghia; Mr Md. Rasheduzzaman

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Lim Choun-Sian