Risk Science for Resilient Cities – From Concept to Action
7 May 2021 (Friday), 1700-1900 (GMT+8)

Conveners: IRDR ICoE-SEADPRI-UKM, UNDRR Asia Pacific Science Technology Academia Advisory Group (AP-STAAG) and Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology (ANCST) with support from the UNESCO Youth and Young Professionals Group on Disasters, International Science Council – Regional Office for the Asia Pacific (ISC-ROAP) and the Academy of Sciences Malaysia.
Objectives: Promote understanding of risk science and the regional risk landscape in a changing climate; identify major challenges and research priorities for risk science of cities in the region; and explore means for implementing actions, including drawing on the energy of youth and young professionals.
Key findings from the Forum will be conveyed to the 2021 Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Conference on 8-10 June 2021, to develop the Global Research Agenda for disaster risk reduction and risk-informed development toward 2030 and beyond.
Kindly contact Mr. Mohd Khairul Zain Ismail (zainkhairul@ukm.edu.my) and Mr. Navakanesh Batmanathan (nava@akademisains.gov.my) if there are any technical issues.
Registration Link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IXTepuV0Q3Kpi_5K630-Fg
For further information, kindly refer to the: Program Leaflet