“Youth and Young professionals (YYPs) are leading their way in DRR and climate actions. Greater efforts are required to institutionalize their engagement and appropriately draw on their capacities” – the Co-chair Summary of the 2019 GPDRR-
In preparation for the next Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR2022) UNESCO and U-INSPIRE Alliance with the support of SEADPRI – UKM, UNICEF, ANCST and U-INSPIRE Malaysia are organizing a webinar of YYP on SETI for DRR.
Kindly note the upcoming detail as follows:
Date: 10 and 12 March 2022
Time: 09:00 AM – 01.00 PM Kuala Lumpur Time
Zoom Registration: bit.ly/YYPwebinar
WEBINAR 1 – Thursday, 10 March 2022
Session 1: Key presentation Session
Session 2: Youth and Young Children (age 15 – 24) Engagement in DRR and Climate Change
Session 3: Engaging Young Scientist and Early Career Researchers on DRR and Climate Change Innovation
Key Note Speakers:
Dr Iffah Farhana Abu Talib
U-INSPIRE Alliance, UiTM
Futures Thinking in DRR through Futures Literacy Labs
Dr. Nuraini Rahma Hanifa
Secretary-General, U-INSPIRE Alliance, BRIN
Young Women Leadership in DRR – From the Lens of 2021 WIN-DRR Winner
Issmail Nnafie
Programme Specialist for Innovation and Sustainability, UNICEF Malaysia
Impact of Climate Change on Children: A Malaysian Perspective
Special Remarks:
Mohamed Djelid, Director UNESCO Office Jakarta.
Diana Mosquera Calle, Deputy Chief Regional Office for the Asia Pacific – UNDRR
Dr. Rashed Mustafa Sarwar, UNICEF Representative to Malaysia and Special Representative to Brunei
YBrs. Associate Prof. Dr. Goh Choo Ta, Director of LESTARI-UKM
YBhg. Datuk Dr. Aminuddin bin Hassim, Director General, NADMA
Session 2: Youth and Young Children (age 15 – 24) Engagement in DRR and Climate Change
Aidil Iman, Kolektif Iklim
Salsabila, U-INSPIRE Indonesia*
Ansam Waheed, U-INSPIRE Maldives
Session 3: Engaging Young Scientist and Early Career Researchers on DRR and Climate Change
Dr. Azliyana Azhari, Research Fellow, Monash University
Dr. Ramanditya Wimbardana, CARI! Indonesia
Ms. Nagisa Shiiba, U-INSPIRE Japan, IGES
Dr Joeli Varo, U-INSPIRE Fiji
Ms. D. Saran Prakash, U-INSPIRE India (CRRP India)
Dr. Nurfashareena Muhamad, ANCST
Ardito M Kodijat, UNESCO
WEBINAR 2 – Saturday, 12 March 2022
Session 1: Empowering the National YYP in SETI for DRR Platforms: Perspective of U-INSPIRE national Chapters
Session 2: Discussion and Formulation of Draft Communique for GPDRR 2022
Special Remarks:
Dr. Raditya Jati, S.Si., M.Si., Deputy for Systems and Strategies, BNPB
Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa, M.Sc., Head of Research Organization of Earth Sciences and Maritime, BRIN
Satbek, DACRYN
Looking forward to e-talk with you in the webinar
Best regards,