The 4th Atmospheric Composition and Asian Monsoon Workshop (ACAM 2019) is organised by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). This workshop will be held on 26th to 28th June 2019 at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
ACAM is Stratosphere-troposphere Processes and their Role in Climate-International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (SPARC/IGAC) jointly sponsored activity. The aim of this workshop is to provide an opportunity for discussion and interaction between researchers, experts and environmental organisations from Asia and others countries to share knowledge and expertise in the following key scientific areas:
- Emissions and air quality in the Asian monsoon region
- Aerosols, clouds, and their interactions with the Asian monsoon
- Impact of monsoon convection on chemistry
- UTLS Response to the Asian Monsoon
About 150 participants from USA, China, United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Bangladesh and other countries are targeted to participate in ACAM 2019.
Any further information can be view from the website, http://www.ukm.my/acam/.