Author: seadpri

Workshop on Monsoons and Weather Extremes

WORKSHOP ON MONSOONS AND WEATHER EXTREMES Malaysian Meteorological Department, Petaling Jaya 9 March 2017 The Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology (ANCST), supported the Workshop on Atmosphere – Ocean Interactions in the Indo-Pacific basin and their impact on Asian

MSA Lecture Series: Post COP21 – Translating the Paris Agreement through Strategic Investment in Science and technology

A lecture and panel discussion on Translating the Paris Agreement through strategic investment and technology will be held at Dewan Perdana Malaysia International Development Authority (MIDA) Sentral, Kuala Lumpur. The lecture will be delivered by a distinguished panel, Emeritus Professor

Workshop of the ASEAN-India Project on Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in Southeast Asia

 For full details and tentative of the event please click this link.
