Workshop on Status of Climate Science and Technology in Asia [Slides]

Presentation files from the workshop are as follows:

Session 1: Keynote Address


  1. Outline of Working Group I contribution to the IPCC AR6
    by Professor Edvin Aldrian, Vice Chair, IPCC WGp. I & Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Indonesia
  2. Outline of Working Group II contribution to the IPCC AR6
    by Professor Rajib Shaw, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan
  3. Outline of Working Group III contribution to the IPCC AR6
    by Professor Lim Yun-Seng, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
  4. Working Group I – Chapter 12: Perspective on climate change information for Asia
    by Dr. Mohammad Rahimi, Faculty of Desert Studies, Semnan University, Iran
  5. Working Group III contribution to the IPCC AR5: A glance on climate change mitigation
    by Professor Jafari Mostafa, Macro National Strategic Plan of Climate Change Research AREEO, Iran


  1. Impact of five decades of development process on heat island intensities over a sub-tropical region in India
    by Professor Manju Mohan, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
  2. Spatio-statistical analysis of flood susceptibility using bivariate model in the floodplain of River Swat, District Charsadda, Pakistan
    by Muhammad Farhan Ul Moazzam, Naresuan University, Thailand
  3. Climate related disasters and infrastructure development of Nepal
    by Dr. Achyut Tiwari, Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal
  4. Integrating adaptation, disaster risks and loss to address slow onset processes in Quang Ngai Province
    by Dr. Mai Van Khiem, Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change, Vietnam
  5. Meso-level analysis on rice-farmer’s adaptive measures for slow onset hazard: The case of saltwater intrusion
    by Dr. Catherine Roween Chico Almaden, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, Philippines
  6. Drought risk management in Cambodia by using ICT: A proposed model
    by Dr. Chhinh Nyda, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  7. Slow onset events in Asia: A systematic review of regional trends and the role of science-policy partnerships
    by Dr. Denise Margaret S. Matias, German Development Institute, Germany


  1. Future climate projections for Southeast Asia: What does high resolution climate modelling tell us?
    by Dr. Srivatsan V. Raghavan, Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore
  2. Impact assessment and model simulation to urban extreme weather vulnerabilities to advance climate adaptation
    by Adnan Arshad, China Agricultural University, China
  3. Climate change projections in South and Southeast Asian river basins
    by Dr. Sangam Shrestha, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand
  4. Quantitative assessment of precipitation changes under CMIP5 RCP scenarios over Northern Pakistan
    by Dr. Kamal Ahmed, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences, Pakistan
  5. Greater Himalaya and Aral Sea Region: Modelling glacier response to climate change
    by Dr. Oxana S. Savoskul, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Sri Lanka


  1. Effects of rising sea level and changing rainfall patterns on rice and oil palm yields in Peninsular Malaysia
    by Dr. Muhammad Firdaus Sulaiman, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia
  2. Climate change impacts on bioclimatic zones and terrestrial ecosystems in Southeast Asia
    Dr. Robert Zomer, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  3. Vulnerability and impacts of mangrove ecosystem: A review of South Asia’s (Pichavaram) mangrove management for adaptation
    by Dr. A. Saleem Khan, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
  4. Towards SDGs: Forest, market and climate change nexus in Indian Western Himalaya
    by Dr. Pariva Dobriyal, Wildlife Institute of India
  5. Enhancing soil function by reusing crop residues for reducing emission from biomass burning
    by Dr. Dipayan Dey, South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE), India
  6. Sustaining climate-impacted terrestrial, coastal, and aquatic ecosystems
    by Effendi Tandoko, United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Studies of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), Japan


  1. How do we assess vulnerability to climate change in India? A systematic review of literature
    by Dr. Chandni Singh, Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangalore, India
  2. Climate risk and vulnerability assessment over Hindu Kush sub-regions (Bajaur, Mohmand and Khyber agencies) of Pakistan
    by Dr. Shaukat Ali, GCISC, Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan
  3. Household vulnerability and adaptation to land and forest degradation in Kanan Watershed, Philippines
    Dr. Lorena Sabino, University of the Philippines Los Banos, Philippines
  4. Vulnerability assessment in coastal areas of Misamis Occidental, Southern Philippines
    by Dr. Venus Leopardas, Mindanao State University at Naawan, Philippines
  5. Vulnerability of poor women to climate linked water stresses: Case study of slums in capital city of India
    by Dr. Jagriti Kher, University of Delhi, India
  6. Potential risk of occurring tropical diseases in mountain regions of Central Asia
    by Professor Asylbek Aidaraliev, International University of Kyrgyzstan